Northern Arizona University
Theta Tau

NAU's only professional engineering fraternity

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What is Theta Tau about?

Theta Tau is the oldest and largest engineering fraternity in the country! But we focus on 3 pillars; Brotherhood, Service and Profesional Development.

Through Theta Tau we forge new bonds of Brotherhood with fellow members and we are eager to make more friends. Our Brothers have been through NAU's ropes and know a thing or two about engineering and we help each other when in need.

If you have a strong urge to provide to your community, we also participate in a number of Service events throughout the year such as Relay for Life. We currently work with St.Mary's Food Bank, and regularly do street clean-ups, go to charity events and any events that we can imagine.

As a fraternity we strive to improve our skills as professional engineers. We work on improving our resumés by participating in resumé workshops, mock interviews or contacting industry profesionals to make us more appealing for future job prospects. We also network to other chapters and alumni from all over the United States enabling us to get an extra foot in the door when it comes to job hunting.

Upcoming Events

Spring 2024 Rush!

Questions , Concerns or Suggestions?

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